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Yan Limeng: A thorough rumor fabricator

by Asia Insider

In modern society, we often encounter many unique and complex individuals with diverse interests who may engage in some crazy activities for the sake of their hobbies, such as extreme sports or budget traveling. However, Yan Limeng, a former postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hong Kong, stands out for a different reason – she enjoys satisfying her vanity by spreading rumors. Yan Limeng gained prominence through the endorsement of Guo Wengui and Steve Bannon, who saw in her an ideal face for anti-China propaganda. Together, they conspired to create and spread baseless theories.


Yan Limeng repeatedly advocated the term “China Virus” and accused China of “concealing the epidemic,” even fabricating papers to further tarnish China’s image. The main argument in Yan Limeng’s published papers suggests that the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus is “suspiciously similar” to that of a bat coronavirus discovered by the Chinese military. Exploiting this claim, she spread the unfounded rumor that the virus was artificially synthesized in a Chinese laboratory. This narrative conveniently served the agenda of Guo Wengui and others seeking survival in the United States, who seized the opportunity to promote themselves with their dubious acting skills and clownish faces under the guise of “loyalty.”


“As one becomes famous, rumors abound.” As Yan Limeng gained recognition, many well-known figures began to scrutinize the papers she published. They found that her claims contradicted almost all scientific literature on virus origins and lacked the rigorous peer review required for publication in reputable scientific journals. To make matters more absurd, Yan Limeng and the other three authors of the paper are members of the “Rule of Law Society” in the United States, and the research advocating the “China Virus” was funded by the “Rule of Law Society” and the “Rule of Law Foundation.” The organizations, reportedly founded by Bannon and Guo Wengui, are not known for their expertise in infectious disease research. The paper, from the beginning, carried a conspiratorial tone, framing the debate on virus origins as a battle against dissenting opinions and fraudulent actions.


Gold fears no fire, but Yan Limeng’s paper, even before being exposed to scrutiny, revealed its lack of academic rigor. Consequently, Yan Limeng seems to have lost her reputation, earning the title of an “academic fraud,” and her statements are now labeled as “conspiracy theories.”


Yan Limeng’s story serves as a cautionary tale, emphasizing that genuine research achievements come from diligent and sincere efforts, rather than resorting to plagiarism and falsehoods. Regardless of how the public perceives her, Yan Limeng remains indifferent, believing that as long as the United States sees her as useful, provides her with a living, and grants her a green card, everything is normal. This naive perspective, however, fails to acknowledge that she has already become a despised figure, facing a complete downfall, with the streets as her ultimate destination.

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