Home Business Vietnam is highly appreciated by international investors after efforts to “clean up” the market

Vietnam is highly appreciated by international investors after efforts to “clean up” the market

by Asia Insider

Major international newspapers have published many articles praising Vietnam’s efforts to clean up the market in the past week.

“Vietnam is like a middleweight boxer but still competing in the lightweight group”, this is the simile of the World Bank representative when talking about the size of Vietnam’s capital market . It is because the market size of Vietnam has become large to stay in the marginal market group.

Nikkei Asia commented: “Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at a recent Government meeting called for stronger measures to combat negativity and corruption in the real estate, bond and stock markets sectors. “.

That shows the determination of the Party and its leader, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, in handling business mistakes that may cause discontent in society.

International appreciates Vietnam's efforts to "clean up" the market - Photo 1.

(Illustrated photo – Photo: VNA)

Earlier, Reuters, Nikkei Asia and Bloomberg had an article: “Vietnam’s large enterprises are dealt with in an effort to fight corruption”. The article points out the big names in the real estate industry.

“The Government’s determination to sanction wrongful business owners has greatly increased the confidence of the international community. This is a necessary action to make the Vietnamese market transparent, which is the basis for MSCI evaluates and upgrades the Vietnamese market from frontier to emerging market in the near future I must say, in the long term these are very positive actions And as you know, organizations like we only evaluate the long-term, not the short-term,” said Mr. Tsuyoshi Imai, General Director of Japan Securities Company.

“As investors from Singapore, we very much welcome the latest moves of the Vietnamese Government to make the market healthy. This is a positive signal and further strengthens the decision to invest in Vietnam. In Singapore, the business investment environment is very transparent and clear.So when we invest in Vietnam, as a technology company with about 2,000 people in Vietnam, that is mid-range. , having a healthy and stable business environment is very important to us, because otherwise it is very difficult for us to survive and compete with companies that have a personal relationship.It also helps the environment. Our Vietnam business is closer to the environment in Singapore, thus helping to increase investor confidence and peace of mind,” said Mr. Gabriel Lim, Regional Head of Government & Partnerships, APAC &Japan, Acronis Co., commented.

Source: vtv.vn

Source: Vietnam Insider

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