Home Business Vietnam has 50,000 online fraud cases in first half of 2022

Vietnam has 50,000 online fraud cases in first half of 2022

by Asia Insider

In the first 6 months of this year, the country had more than 50,000 phishing attacks targeting banks.

Many messages entice users to visit a strange link coming from a fake banking domain. Photo: Thuy Hanh.

Kaspersky – the world-famous security software distributor and manufacturer – has just released data showing that in the first six months of this year, more than 1.6 million financial fraud attacks were detected and timely containment in Southeast Asia.

The figures published by Kasspersky are based on anonymized data collected from the software installed on users’ technology devices.

These software are capable of detecting fake information sites and preventing users from accessing or providing information based on Kaspersky database.

Specifically, about 840.254 fraud cases related to payment systems, 621,640 cases related to e-commerce stores and 142,354 cases of online banking fraud.

In Vietnam, the report also recorded about 56,392 fake attacks targeting banks that were detected and promptly prevented. Among Southeast Asian countries, Vietnam is also the country with the most financial fraud attacks related to the payment system, followed by Malaysia and Indonesia.

In fact, many scams in Vietnam related to finance and banking have been discovered recently. However, many scams still pass through the eyes of the authorities, greatly affecting not only individual users but also discrediting domestic banks.

On October 1, VPBank sent text messages to all customers to warn about fraudulent acts of VPBank and the appropriation of users’ information. The bank also asks users not to access the links provided in the messages to avoid losing money and personal data.

In the face of a series of financial frauds, the Vietnam Cyber ​​Emergency Response Center (VNCERT/CC) under the Information Security Administration, Ministry of Information and Communications (TT&TT) has continued to warn people about online services and domain names showing signs of fraud and bank fraud.

According to information released by VNCERT/CC, there are 32 fake domain names for websites of famous domestic banks such as MSB, ACB, VPBank, TP Bank that users need to pay attention to avoid accessing fake links.

@ Zing News

Source: Vietnam Insider

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