Home DestinationsSoutheast Asia Phan Thiet City installs QR codes on street names for easy information retrieval

Phan Thiet City installs QR codes on street names for easy information retrieval

by Asia Insider

About 70 roads in Phan Thiet City (Binh Thuan province) have been equipped with QR codes to facilitate residents and tourists in easily accessing information about road names, biographies of notable figures, historical figures, and more.

According to the People’s Committee of Phan Thiet City, installing road signs with QR codes is one of the components of the smart city development plan for the city.

Implemented since late 2023, currently, Phan Thiet City currently has approximately 70 roads with QR codes on road signs. As part of the plan, in 2024, the city will continue to add and replace nameplates for the remaining roads in the area, ensuring that 100% of road signs will have QR codes.

Phan Thiet City students scan the QR Code to look up information. (Photo: Thanh Minh)

Leaders of the People’s Committee of Phan Thiet City stated that implementing QR codes on road signs not only provides convenient information for residents and tourists but also serves as a highlight for the city in line with the trend of digital transformation.

On the new road signs, in addition to the road name, there is also the city’s logo in the bottom left corner and a QR code in the bottom right corner for people to access additional information about the respective road.

The QR Code is attached to the street nameplate in the right corner, on the left corner is the Phan Thiet City logo. (Photo: Nguyen Vu)

When scanning this QR code, residents and tourists can not only learn more about the significance of events and the biographies of notable figures associated with the road but also obtain information about the road’s scale (length, width, road class, starting and ending points, etc.), local traditions, public works, scenic spots, historical and cultural landmarks linked to the overall development and history of the hometown in general, and Phan Thiet City in particular.

Mr. Nguyen Nam Long, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Phan Thiet City, mentioned that since the implementation of QR codes on road signs, the city has publicly shared information on various public information systems to make it convenient for residents and tourists. Despite being introduced only about a month ago, initial feedback indicates positive responses from both residents and tourists.


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