Home Business Many people become victims of financial scam messages and calls

Many people become victims of financial scam messages and calls

by Asia Insider

The Cybersecurity Assessment Program for individual users, conducted by Bkav Group in December, said that in 2022, the damage caused by computer viruses to Vietnamese users will be at 21.2 trillion dong equivalent to USD 883 million).

The loss of USD 883 million (equivalent to 0.24% of Vietnam’s GDP) is low in comparison to the world. Along with that, Vietnam increased 25 places in the GCI cybersecurity index, showing the efforts of the Government and the domestic cybersecurity community.

However, the 2022 cybersecurity landscape in Vietnam still has hot spots of concern such as the explosion of online financial fraud; The number of computers infected with malicious code is at a high level…

Bkav Group said that in 2022, many individuals will become victims of online financial scams. Although fake forms are not new, many people still fall into the trap.

It can be mentioned as the case of losing 2.1 billion VND in the account due to SIM upgrade fraud (in Ho Chi Minh City) or the case of losing more than 5.5 billion VND after answering the phone and following the request of the thief fake police (in Hanoi).

In addition to the two forms mentioned above, the bad guys also “process” many scenarios to trick users into traps such as enticing money to do “online tasks”, impersonating relatives to request money transfer, impersonating authorities traffic violation report…

The hacker’s “carpeting” strategy and increasingly sophisticated tricks make users a little careless and become a victim. According to Bkav’s statistics, 3 out of 4 Vietnamese users receive online financial fraud messages and calls.

Sending fake SMS Brandname messages from banking and financial institutions is also favored by hackers in 2022. According to Bkav’s survey results, more than half of Vietnamese users are bothered by these messages.

Thanks to the improvement of users’ cyber security awareness, the number of people making requests in fake messages only stood at 5.7% (according to Bkav’s report), but this is still a “bait” lucrative” for hackers.

3 out of 4 Vietnamese people receive financial fraud messages and calls - Photo 1.

A fake message Bank Brandname

According to Bkav Group, to avoid becoming a victim of these fraudulent campaigns, users should verify information at the organization’s official page. Do not rush to make transactions via addresses, phone numbers or emails received from the same Brandname message.

In the coming year, Bkav Group predicts that scams in the form of sending messages and calling will continue to be popular when hackers can make money easily with deals of up to billions of dong.

Although user awareness has improved, hackers will have more and more sophisticated tricks. Besides, attractive financial benefits will also make ransomware continue to flourish in the coming year.

Source: CafeF

Source: Vietnam Insider

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