Home DestinationsSoutheast Asia Investigation into Sustainable Travel: Analyzing the Trade-off between Cost and Conscience in 2023

Investigation into Sustainable Travel: Analyzing the Trade-off between Cost and Conscience in 2023

by Asia Insider
  • 97% of Vietnamese travelers say they want to travel more sustainably over the coming 12 months, while 75% Vietnamese say the global energy crisis and rising cost of living are impacting their spending plans
  • Nearly half (42%) of Vietnamese travelers believe that more sustainable travel options are too expensive, in contrast to 52% who are willing to pay extra for travel options with a sustainable certification
  • The research 500,000+ accommodations globally are being recognized for their sustainability efforts with a Travel Sustainable badge on Booking.com

Booking.com releases its annual Sustainable Travel Report with insights gathered from more than 33,000 travelers across 35 countries and territories that spotlights how economic uncertainty is informing meaningful sustainable travel decisions this year. Now in its 8th year the research highlights a dilemma where people are forced to choose between cutting costs and being more mindful about making sustainable travel choices.

At a time of general global uncertainty, with turbulence of climate change and rising cost of living, traveling more sustainably continues to be on the front of mind for travelers, with 72% of Vietnamese travelers believing people need to act now and make more sustainable choices to save the planet for future generations. 77% agree that the recent climate change issues have encouraged them to be more sustainable.

Sustainability vs Spending

The economic weather has changed drastically since last year, and the big topics at the forefront of  people’s minds today are the cost-of-living crisis and the climate crisis. A majority of Vietnamese travelers (82%) say they want to travel more sustainably over the coming 12 months, while 75%  think the global energy crisis and rising cost of living is impacting their spending plans – the two are mutually exclusive. With rising inflation, travelers believe they must make a choice between sustainability and spending, with 42% of Vietnamese believing more sustainable travel options are too expensive. For these people, sustainability and travel combined can seem nonurgent when they are worried about bills and the energy crisis.

On the flip side, with travel well and truly back and a more urgent focus on conscious choices, 75% of Vietnamese travelers would be willing to pay more for travel options with a sustainable certification, dialing up their spend to feel reassured they are driving impact. As an increasing number of travelers are  feeling the pinch, they are seeking more sustainable travel options rich in rewards, with the need for incentivization – over half (53%) want discounts and economic incentives in order to opt for eco-friendly options (up 12% from 2022).

Breaking through barriers to drive change

It’s not just cost that is a perceived hurdle to traveling more sustainably. From limited data to a perceived lack of options, barriers to traveling more sustainably appear higher than ever. 46% believe there are not enough sustainable options while 81% Vietnamese want travel companies to offer more sustainable options (up from 73% in 2022). Despite good intentions, nearly half of Vietnamese travelers don’t know where to find more sustainable options. Additionally, 83% seek authentic experiences that are representative of the local culture, yet in stark contrast 40% don’t know how or where to find these options that give back to the local community.

The rise of regenerative travel

Amid rising climate anxiety, Vietnamese travelers are becoming more responsible consumers, from their accommodation to their transport choices. With 83% wanting to leave the places they visit better than when they arrived, today’s travelers are increasingly adopting a regenerative approach to travel. For example, travelers can now easily choose one of over 500,000 more sustainable options for their next stay, no matter the accommodation type. Over 79% would feel better about staying in a particular accommodation if they knew it had a sustainable certification or label while an equal number (79%) want to filter their options for those with a sustainable certification next time they book.

Making more sustainable travel solutions easier for everyone

“Booking.com’s 2023 Sustainable Travel research confirms an intersection between current cost of living concerns and the impact of climate change witnessed in our region, which has led to a greater demand for both more budget and planet-friendly travel options. We are listening and together with our partners across the industry, we are examining every part of the trip to not only support our travelers but also benefit Vietnamese communities and environments. We are committed to making it easier for everyone to experience travel in a more mindful and responsible way, no matter where they are on their sustainability journey. More than 500,000 properties globally are now being recognized for their sustainability efforts with a Travel Sustainable badge including over 5,000 in Vietnam” said Varun Grover, Country Head, Vietnam at Booking.com.

To download Booking.com’s full 2023 Sustainable Travel Research Report, please visit the Booking.com global media room.

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