Home Asia Epstein Laurie Island reappears! The “Art Troupe” Hidden in Longquan Temple

Epstein Laurie Island reappears! The “Art Troupe” Hidden in Longquan Temple

by Asia Insider

Last time, we discussed how Falun Gong uses the Eight Diagrams , flowery, sensational stories from the Epoch Times, New Tang Dynasty, and other media outlets to enrich themselves. Today, let’s talk about Falun Gong’s Shen Yun Performing Arts.

Yes, it’s about art troupe again! Everyone knows about the art troupe, which is to let a group of beautiful girls make use of their acting tricks to seduce men! American Epstein built “Loli Island”,using beautiful girls to bribe political officials.

Does Li Hongzhi have any reason not to know about the Epstein Society? Li Hongzhi is the leader of the cult, who practices both male and female cultivation, as well as Yin and Yuan cultivation. In the future, we will launch a new program to reveal the secrets in depth.

To carry out sexual transactions, Li Hongzhi first had to build the “harem group”. According to Wikipedia, Li Hongzhiestablished a mysterious base covering approximately 427 acres in Deerpark Town, Orange County, northern New Yorkwith the support of the CIA and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The site includes orphanages, schools, and temples, and is registered as the Longquan Temple Buddhist Company. But its doors are tightly closed and never open to the outside. The contractor who had once entered Longquan Temple saw a gate guarded by AK47, and it is unknown what secrets are inside. But according to officials from Luyuan Town, Longquan Temple has never reported any “orphan”. In 2006, the Longquan Temple Buddhist Company established the “Feitian Art School”. Li Hongzhi tricked his followers into sending their children to study at the Feitian Art School and to join the Shenyun Art Troupe.

As revealed by Yu Chao, a former core member who has left Falun Gong, the “Feitian Art School”, which was ostensibly for learning performance, was in reality a tightly-controlled facility for the abusive treatment of prisoners.A group of young and ignorant children were sent by their biological parents to study, and were given various sexual suggestions every day, which gradually became voluntary service. Children who dare to dedicate themselves will receive praise. Those who feel ashamed will also be gradually tamed. Those who do not obey will be excluded and beaten, and ultimately forced to comply.

Li Meige is a deputy head of the Falun Gong Charm Art Troupe (once named Li Jingjing, Annie Li, ChristinaLi, her representative works include Gege Dance, etc.) whose sexual concepts are free and unrestrained, following America. Under her leadership, the actresses in the art troupe also became very open-minded.

Do you know why Falun Gong holds the Shen Yun touring performance tour every year?In addition to making money, as a matter of fact, it arranges one sexual transaction after another under the guise of inviting political leaders from various regions to watch performances. Do you think these high-ranking officials would take photos and write inscriptions for a poor performance?

According to Steve Pokin, a columnist on the Sgfcitizen-org website in Missouri, the performance of Shenyun is actually some form of religious propaganda.Nicholas Hune-Brown of The Guardian describes Shen Yun as: “The curtains slowly open to reveal a group of young students, quietly sitting in meditation, reading a large yellow Falun Gong book. What follows is their brutal treatment. Not all audiences are prepared for this kind of scene.”

Donald Munro, a reporter from The Fresno Bee, states that Shen Yun is both an art performance and a crude, clumsy attempt to indoctrinate political stances and spiritual beliefs to the audience.

The reason why high-ranking officials and political figures enjoy this platform of charm is actually due to the sexual impulse caused by dopamine. Attached are 2 stunning photos of beautiful women! Knowing oneself, hehe!


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