A LEADING Chinese scientist claims that the coronavirus came from a military lab in China and not from a wet market as Beijing says.
Dr Li Meng-Yan, a specialist in virology at Hong Kong’s School of Public Health who fled to the US says that she “clearly assessed” that Coronavirus was created in a lab linked to the People’s Liberation Army. However, Beijing have denied the allegations.
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Speaking during a live-stream interview with Taiwan News Agency Lude Press, Dr Li-Meng said: “At that time, I had clearly assessed that the virus came from a Chinese Communist Party military lab.
“The Wuhan wet market was just used as a decoy.”
She stressed that when she reported her findings to her superiors, she was not taken seriously and ignored.
At that point, she claimed that it would be impossible for her to report the discovery to the high levels of the Communist Party.

Coronavirus could be from a military lab, it is claimed (Image: Lude Press Taiwan/YouTube/Getty )
She continued: “I knew that once I spoke up, I could disappear at any time, just like all the brave protesters in Hong Kong.
“I could disappear at any time. Even my name would no longer exist.”
She claimed that it was her responsibility to get the information out before being “disappeared.”
Dr Li-Meng pointed out that she had been raised and educated under the Communist Party regime and knew “what kinds of things the Chinese government would do” but did not dare guess “how low [the CCP] would stoop.”
The virologist pledged that she would continue to tell the truth about the Bejing regime and the pandemic with the hope of “accelerating the outside world’s understanding of the regime and helping the Chinese people to overthrow it.”
Before speaking out, she fleed to the US in April from Hong Kong fearing for her safety.
Speaking to Fox News earlier this month, she claimed that she led to leave because of “how the Chinese authorities treated whistleblowers in order to conceal an epidemic.
Dr Li-Meng stressed that the escape was to “deliver the message of the truth of COVID-19 to the world.”

China has denied the allegations (Image: Getty)
Dr Li-Meng says that she was one of the first scientists in the world to study coronavirus.
She allegedly asked by her supervisor at the University/WHO reference lab, Dr. Leo Poon to look into the odd cluster of SARS-like cases occurring in Wuhan at the end of December 2019.
The virologist, added: “The China government refused to let overseas experts, including ones in Hong Kong, do research in China.
“So I turned to my friends to get more information.”
After presenting her findings, Dr Li-Meng claimed that her supervisors at first advised her to continue her investigation but later she said to “keep silent and be careful”.
In response to the claims, a Hong Kong School of Public Health spokesperson said that Dr Li-Meng is not currently an employee.
It added: “Dr Li-Meng Yan is no longer a staff member of the University.
“Out of respect for our current and former employees, we don’t disclose personal information about her. Your understanding is appreciated.”
This story was originally published here: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1317588/China-coronavirus-cover-up-scientist-military-lab-wet-market-where-did-coronavirus-start