Home DestinationsSoutheast Asia Vietnam aims to welcome 25-28 million international visitors in 2025

Vietnam aims to welcome 25-28 million international visitors in 2025

by Asia Insider

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha has just signed Decision 509 on June 13, approving the Tourism System Planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2045.

According to the plan, by 2025, Vietnam will become an attractive destination with a high tourism development capacity globally. By 2030, tourism will truly become a spearhead economic sector, developing in the direction of green growth; and becoming a leading destination with top development capacity worldwide.

Specifically, by 2025, Vietnam aims to welcome 25-28 million international visitors; and 130 million domestic visitors, maintaining a domestic visitor growth rate of 8-9% per year. By 2030, the goal is to attract 35 million international visitors, with a growth rate of 13-15% per year, and 160 million domestic visitors, with a domestic visitor growth rate of 4-5% per year.

Regarding economic efficiency, by 2025, the tourism industry is expected to contribute directly 8-9% to GDP and achieve 13-14% of GDP by 2030.

By 2045, tourism will affirm its role as a driving force of the economy. Vietnam will become a prominent global destination, among the top tourism-developed countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The tourism industry aims to welcome 70 million international visitors, generating a total revenue of about 7.3 billion VND, contributing 17-18% to GDP.

To achieve these goals, the plan outlines specific tasks for each market. For the domestic market in the 2021-2025 period, it will continue to maintain and develop, and from 2026-2030, it will exploit high-spending market segments, long-stay tourists, and new markets such as golf tourism, sports tourism, and adventure tourism.

For the international market, in the 2021-2025 period, Vietnam prioritizes the recovery of traditional markets, while also attracting emerging markets such as India and Middle Eastern countries.

From 2026-2030, Vietnam will maintain and expand the scale of traditional markets, including Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, North America, Russia and Eastern Europe, and Oceania; while diversifying markets, shifting towards increasing the market share of high-spending tourists.


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