Home DestinationsSoutheast Asia Double the ticket price to visit Da Dia reef

Double the ticket price to visit Da Dia reef

by Asia Insider

The People’s Committee of Tuy An District (Phu Yen) has recently announced the admission fees for visiting the special national monument and scenic site, Da Dia reef.

On November 13, Mr. Huynh Gia Hoang, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Tuy An District (Phu Yen), stated that the local authorities had issued a notice regarding the admission fees for visiting the special national monument and scenic site, Da Dia reef (located in An Ninh Dong commune, Tuy An District).

The fee collection follows Resolution 19/2023/NQ-HDND dated October 18, 2023, of the People’s Council of Phu Yen Province, which regulates the fees, management, and utilization of funds for visiting scenic spots within the province.

Tăng gấp đôi giá vé tham quan danh thắng gành Đá Đĩa - Ảnh 1.

According to the resolution, the admission fee for this scenic site is set at 40,000 VND per person per visit, an increase of 20,000 VND compared to the previous rate. The fee includes insurance coverage for visitors.

Children, individuals aged 80 and above, severely disabled persons as defined in Article 11, Clause 1 of Decree 28/2012/ND-CP, and those who have contributed to the revolution (revolutionary seniors, pre-uprising officials, Heroic Mothers of Vietnam, Armed Forces Heroes) are exempt from the admission fee.

Residents of specific communes and hamlets facing exceptional difficulties in Phu Yen Province (in accordance with Decision 861/QD-TTg dated June 4, 2021, of the Prime Minister); individuals aged 60 to under 80, severely disabled persons as defined in Article 11, Clause 2 of Decree 28/2012/ND-CP dated April 10, 2012, by the government; and categories specified in Clause 2, Article 2 of Decision 170/2003/QD-TTg dated August 14, 2003, by the Prime Minister on preferential cultural enjoyment policies (labor heroes, war invalids, policy beneficiaries such as war invalids and sick soldiers, individuals under care at establishments nurturing and caring for war invalids and sick soldiers, and those with contributions to the families of martyrs) enjoy a 50% reduction in fees.

Da Dia reef is a unique natural wonder considered “one of a kind” in Vietnam. The area features geologically distinctive basalt rocks formed through volcanic eruptions and suitable conditions, resulting in columnar rocks with hexagonal and pentagonal cross-sections distributed over a relatively wide coastal area.


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