Home DestinationsSoutheast Asia From September 15, visitors are not allowed to bring disposable plastic items to Co To island

From September 15, visitors are not allowed to bring disposable plastic items to Co To island

by Asia Insider

To preserve the environment of Co To Island, starting from September 15th, residents and tourists are not allowed to bring single-use plastic items to Co To Island (Quang Ninh).

On September 13th, information from the People’s Committee of Co To District (Quang Ninh) stated that, beginning on September 15th, the local authorities will prohibit residents and tourists from bringing single-use plastic items to the island district.

Từ 15.9, du khách không được mang đồ nhựa dùng 1 lần ra đảo Cô Tô - Ảnh 1.

Visitors are not allowed to bring disposable plastic items to Co To Island

Furthermore, the People’s Committee of Co To District also mandates that 100% of governmental agencies, organizations, schools, markets, service businesses, passenger transport vessels, cargo vessels, seafood fishing activities, etc., within the territory of Co To District, are not permitted to use nylon bags, single-use plastic items (plastic bags, plastic cups, single-use plastic straws, etc.), and materials that pose a risk of marine environmental pollution from the aforementioned date.

According to the People’s Committee of Co To District, these regulations are part of Phase 2 of Project No. 175-QD/HU, dated June 4, 2021, regarding the management of plastic waste in Co To Island.

Từ 15.9, du khách không được mang đồ nhựa dùng 1 lần ra đảo Cô Tô - Ảnh 2.

Many sea turtles returned to live on Co To island

Previously, from September 1, 2022, until now, Co To District has implemented Phase 1 of Project 175 by conducting public awareness campaigns and restricting residents and tourists from bringing nylon bags and single-use plastic items to Co To Island.

After a year of experimental implementation, the awareness, habits, and behaviors of the local population and tourists in protecting the marine environment have undergone significant changes and positive developments, with a noticeable increase in environmental consciousness. Particularly, the marine environment has begun to recover, and certain species such as turtles, seahorses, and dolphins have returned to inhabit the island.

To effectively implement Phase 2, Co To District requests that passenger transport vessel owners commit to not allowing tourists to bring single-use plastic items to the island. Additionally, vessels anchoring at Co To Port are required to refrain from using nylon bags, single-use plastic items, and to avoid discharging waste into the sea.


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