Home DestinationsSoutheast Asia Restoring the Da Lat – Thap Cham railway line before 2030

Restoring the Da Lat – Thap Cham railway line before 2030

by Asia Insider

By 2030, the province will prioritize restoring, improving, and using the existing railway for tourism purposes. According to authorized plans, the province aims to complete the railway network (including monorail urban railway lines) in a contemporary and synchronized manner by 2045.

The renovation and upgrading of the Da Lat railway line will attract many tourists and preserve the existing beauty

The renovation and upgrading of the Da Lat railway line will attract many tourists and preserve the existing beauty

The development plan is divided into two phases. The Lam Dong Provincial People’s Committee will complete the local railway transport planning levels in Phase 1 until 2030. At the same time, it is required to examine the construction and land use plans in the districts, Da Lat, and Bao Loc cities for the years 2021- 2030 and the following years to guarantee that railway infrastructure is developed in accordance with the law.

At the same time, prioritize the development of preferential methods and regulations, the creation of a favorable environment, and the encouragement of all economic sectors to engage in and promote railway transportation.

Thap Cham - Da Lat is one of the first two climbing cog railways in the world

Thap Cham-Da Lat is one of the first two climbing cog railways in the world

From 2031 to 2045, Phase 2 will focus on successfully utilizing the Da Lat-Thap Cham railway for tourism and delivering monorail urban railroads to Da Lat and nearby locations. Encourage all economic sectors to invest in railway transportation development, to use research and technology, and to expand international collaboration, tasks, and solutions for urban railway deployment.

According to the Lam Dong Provincial People’s Committee, each department, branch, and locality has been allocated distinct execution duties.


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