Every year, around 300,000 international tourists come to Vietnam for medical examinations and treatment, with Ho Chi Minh City receiving 40% of them. The potential is huge. As a result, in order to attract international visitors, Ho Chi Minh City has created a sort of medical tourism with the participation of dozens of medical facilities.
Medical staff at Ho Chi Minh City Odonto-Stomatology Hospital have been planning for a long time to participate in the medical tourism program. Therefore, if there are international patients, the physicians, and nurses may quickly share treatment information.
In addition to providing human resources, the hospital has technological resources in place for connecting treatment throughout the process for patients returning home.
Ho Chi Minh City now has 13 public and private hospitals participating in the medical tourism program. There are hospitals with remarkable fields that are Vietnam’s medical strengths, such as maxillofacial surgery, infertility, traditional medicine, specialized techniques, etc.
There is both possibility and preparation. However, attracting and retaining international visitors is also a challenge. Medical tourism development requires the creation of self-improvement facilities.
According to tourism industry statistics, the number of international visitors traveling to Vietnam for medical treatment and tourism is continuously growing, with an annual income of around $2 billion USD. Therefore, the combination of tourism and health is likely to attract a large number of people interested in exploring this market potential.