Home DestinationsSoutheast Asia European tourists eagerly awaited as Vietnam relaxes visa restrictions

European tourists eagerly awaited as Vietnam relaxes visa restrictions

by Asia Insider

According to travel businesses, the new visa policy is a prerequisite for attracting high-end European tourists who tend to have long-term vacations.

International tourists travel in Phu Quoc. Photo: Duy Hieu.

Recently, the National Assembly passed a Law amending and supplementing some provisions of the Law on Entry, Exit of Vietnamese Citizens and the Law on Entry, Exit, Transit, and Residence of Foreigners in Vietnam. The duration of the electronic visa (e-visa) will be extended from 30 days to 90 days. After being granted an e-visa, foreigners can enter and exit Vietnam an unlimited number of times within 90 days without having to apply for a new visa.

The law also allows citizens of certain countries to be unilaterally exempt from visas and be granted temporary residence permits for 45 days (previously 15 days) and consider visa issuance and extension according to regulations.

Jeremy Hatfield, an American tourist, affirmed that he would “lock in” long-term travel plans to Vietnam due to the more relaxed visa regulations. “I will book a flight to Vietnam when the visa policies are implemented and allow for longer stays,” Jeremy Hatfield enthusiastically stated.

International tourists are excited

Jeremy tends to experience travel and spend a lot of time on vacations, so the previous 30-day visa policy was very restrictive for him. In previous visits to Vietnam, in order to have additional vacation days, this American tourist had to apply for visas to Cambodia or Laos, costing about $50 (approximately 1.2 million Vietnamese dong).

“After learning about the information, I have planned to spend time exploring Northern Vietnam. Then, I want to go to Da Nang for a vacation. I like Da Nang because it is a coastal city and centrally located,” this tourist shared.

Similarly, Wilhelm BT, an Australian tourist who has been to Vietnam 10 times, stated that after receiving information about the extended visa policy in Vietnam for 90 days, he has planned to return to Vietnam for long-term travel.

“Previously, although I really liked exploring Vietnam, I was also hesitant to travel due to visa requirements. In addition, I think Vietnam should upgrade visa application website. The visa application website for Australians has many errors, and there was a time when I had to access it through the Vietnamese version, which posed language barriers for me,” Wilhelm BT said.

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European tourists tend to travel for a long time. Photo: Linh Huynh.

Ms. Do Thuy Nha Doan, a representative of Viettourist media, stated that the extension of the visa duration to 90 days demonstrates the open-mindedness of the relevant agencies regarding stimulating tourism demand. Currently, there are not many guests from European countries, the Americas, and Australia coming to Vietnam due to the previous visa barriers. The main markets for tourists coming to Vietnam are Southeast Asian countries, China, and India.

“European guests tend to have long-term vacations. They come and experience Vietnam deeply, while also having friends and relatives in Vietnam, so the demand for long-term stays is quite high. In particular, international tourists choose coastal and island routes for long-term vacations. Therefore, a flexible visa policy creates favorable conditions for Vietnam to attract this market and prevents international tourists from redirecting to other countries in the region for tourism,” Ms. Doan commented.

In addition, this travel business representative emphasized that one of the reasons why international tourists are interested in Vietnam is that our country can be used as a transit point to Cambodia, Thailand, and Laos by road, which is quite convenient. Visitors can travel to all three Indochinese countries in one trip.

Expectations for a tourism boost

With the new relaxed visa policy, travel businesses expect an increase in inbound tourist volume in the near future and more diversity in the nationalities of visitors.

On the other hand, currently, Vietnam’s tourism industry is in its low season for international tourists, and the new visa policy will take effect from August 15th. Therefore, travel businesses believe that the impact of the new visa policy on international visitor arrivals will be more evident in 2024 when the policy has been widely disseminated among tourists and applied for a sufficient period.

According to Ms. Nguyen Thi Hien, the Business Director of BestPrice Travel, the increased visa validity policy has not been officially implemented yet. However, compared to the previous visa policy, this provides significant support for businesses specializing in long-duration tours (2-3 weeks) that incorporate multiple countries into their itineraries.

“With the ability for tourists to enter and exit the country an unlimited number of times with a 90-day visa, my company expects to attract an additional 5% of long-duration tourists. Comparing it to the current business situation of the company, as well as the overall market, we expect to achieve at least 80% of this year’s international visitor arrival target,” Ms. Hien said.

Ms. Nha Doan also commented that with the low post-pandemic arrival rate and the global economic fluctuations, businesses expect inbound tourist arrivals to increase by approximately 50% compared to the same period last year.

“At present, inbound tour operators have already made plans to promote tourism by conducting surveys and collaborating with accommodation providers to offer the best prices for tourists. We are creating diverse and enriched tour products, designing itineraries that easily connect countries in the Indochina region, and tailoring tours to specific inbound markets,” said Ms. Doan.

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Businesses expect the number of inbound visitors to grow after the new visa policy. Photo: Doan Nguyen.

While both representatives from travel agencies believe that this new policy will help Vietnam attract more international tourists, they also acknowledge that it is not yet clear how it will enhance competitiveness with other countries in the region. Besides the length of stay or the number of entries, tourists are interested in visa exemption policies, as well as visa application and immigration procedures. Thailand and Cambodia are considered to be performing better in these aspects compared to Vietnam.

According to Ms. Nha Doan, typically, if tourists choose to travel through a travel company, they will receive services at a minimum 3-star standard, and transportation to tourist attractions will have stable costs without overcharging. However, with the new visa policy, tourists can embark on long-duration trips, and international visitors tend to arrange services themselves for a more personalized experience.

Therefore, the government needs to rectify the service system, such as ensuring safe accommodation facilities, restaurants, and eateries that meet food safety standards, and clearly displaying specific pricing. “The tourism industry needs to adjust and synchronize, and localities that have a high number of international tourists, such as Binh Thuan, Nha Trang, Phu Quoc, as well as the Northeastern and Northwestern regions, should be well-prepared,” Ms. Doan added.

@Zing News 

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