Home Business Can Tho is the “new stop” of a series of large real estate enterprises

Can Tho is the “new stop” of a series of large real estate enterprises

by Asia Insider

Can Tho, Hau Giang, Tien Giang, Long An, Ben Tre, Soc Trang, Ca Mau, Bac Lieu… are new areas to welcome a series of real estate giants in recent years. From an almost unknown real estate market, these areas are now the land of many urban real estate projects, with large scale ranging from tens to hundreds of hectares.

If Long An is a locality that has welcomed big companies to invest before, new areas of the Southwest such as Can Tho, Hau Giang, Tien Giang, Ben Tre, Soc Trang … are new destinations worth noting of real estate businesses.

Can Tho is the “stopover” of big companies such as Novaland, Dat Xanh, Nam Long Group, KITA Group, T&T, Sovico, Hoa Phat, Phu Cuong, Van Phu Invest…; The large-scale real estate projects appearing in this area are changing the face of Can Tho city in recent years. Not to mention a series of projects such as 80 ha Nam Long Can Tho urban area, Thanh Do urban area, Vinh Thanh Center, Stella Mega City, An Binh urban area, Cara River Park Can Tho … In which, in addition to the townhouse – villa segment In this market, there is a segment of high-end apartments, diversifying the choices of buyers.

One of them is the move of billionaire Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao when Sovico Group wants to invest in a series of large real estate projects, the land fund is expected to reach 2,600ha in Can Tho. According to information from the People’s Committee of Can Tho City, these projects include: Can Tho Logistics and Aviation Industry Zone at Vo Van Kiet Street, Binh Thuy District (about 1,650 hectares in size, about 350 hectares in phase 1); Phong Dien eco-tourism urban area, Phong Dien district (about 1,000 ha) and the aircraft maintenance house project at Can Tho International Airport (1.8 ha).

The new destination of a series of real estate giants Vingroup, Novaland, Nam Long Group, Dat Xanh... - Photo 1.

A series of real estate giants have flocked to the Southwest region, making the real estate market here exciting in recent years.

Or 3 projects that Hoa Phat wants to invest in Can Tho, including: Commercial and service urban area in Can Tho City, with a total scale of more than 540 hectares. In which, the high-class commercial – service urban area in Binh Thuy district (452 ​​ha); Commercial and service urban area in Phu Thu ward, Cai Rang district with an area of ​​88.2 ha; The commercial – service urban area at Le Loi and Tran Van Kheo streets in Cai Khe ward, Ninh Kieu district (6.24 ha) … also makes the real estate market here move.

Can Tho is considered by many real estate experts as the most potential land for urban development in the Southwest region, because of the development of tourism, services as well as urban infrastructure. Especially when there is information about deploying a high-speed railway connecting Ho Chi Minh City with Can Tho, the real estate in this area is more active in investment projects.

Share recently, Standing Vice Chairman of Can Tho Real Estate Association said that transactions in Can Tho are quite bustling, most of them fall into the group of apartment products under 1.2 billion to less than 2 billion, products Land products near the industrial park are less than 1 billion, ready-made townhouses cost more than 2 billion… while the projects on the market are diversified and the liquidity is also quite stable.

Hau Giang is also a “fertile land”, rich in potential to attract cash flow of real estate businesses. Located on the circulation route of the Western Hau River sub-region, Hau Giang has favorable conditions to connect with other provinces in the region such as Soc Trang, Bac Lieu, Kien Giang, Ho Chi Minh City, and Can Tho.

According to the investment plan in the period of 2021 – 2030, more than 9,400 billion VND will be invested to complete and basically modernize Hau Giang transport infrastructure and regional connectivity.

It can be seen that with an abundant land fund and efforts to improve the business and investment environment, Hau Giang is an attractive destination for investors. In recent years, this place has attracted more and more investment projects from domestic and foreign enterprises. By the end of 2019, the province had nearly 500 domestic investment projects with a total capital of 123,860 billion VND, 30 foreign investment projects with a total capital of 552 million USD. The province has 4,620 enterprises with a total capital of more than 46,960 billion VND; 49,195 individual business households.

In recent years, Hau Giang has also started to attract many investors from diverse fields with many large enterprises such as Vingroup, Cat Tuong Group, Tan Hiep Phat, Masan… with fields such as high-tech agriculture, seafood, real estate, trade and service, drinking water, packaging, energy, heavy industry manufacturing…

Particularly in the field of real estate, a series of large-scale projects in Hau Giang area of ​​real estate “big guys” such as FLC, Dat Xanh, Vingroup, DIC Group, TNR Holdings, Cat Tuong Group … have been “stirring up” “The market is here. For example, the new urban area Nga Bay 2 town of TNR Holdings; FLC is applying for an investment license with the Hau Giang hi-tech agricultural zone, which is expected to be 232ha; Vingroup with Vincom Hau Giang complex (Vi Thanh City); Green Land in the Southwest with Tay Do Ecopark Project (Chau Thanh A, Hau Giang); Hau Giang New Urban Area Project (Van Phat Song Hau) in Chau Thanh; Victory City Hau Giang (DIC) project in Vi Thanh….

The move of businesses flocking to Hau Giang to hunt for land shows that this little-known land is a potential opportunity for real estate businesses.

In addition to Can Tho and Hau Giang, Ca Mau is also attracting the attention and landing of many real estate giants. The real estate market here is targeted by giants such as Vingroup, FLC, T&T, Tuan Chau Group,…

For example, 3 T&T Group and Ca Mau Provincial People’s Committee have signed strategic cooperation agreements in the fields of: real estate investment, transport infrastructure, seaports and logistics, energy, tourism and trade service. Accordingly, this giant is studying, planning and implementing investment in Ca Mau airport, Hon Gai deep-water port, highway from Ca Mau city to Ca Mau cape, urban area of ​​​​the sport union. Meanwhile, the ambition of the island lord Tuan Chau wants to build a seafood city of 500ha in Ca Mau.

Meanwhile, Long An is a familiar satellite market of Ho Chi Minh City, just behind Dong Nai and Binh Duong. This place has witnessed a series of real estate giants such as Nam Long Group, Vingroup, MIKgroup, Sun Group, MIKGroup … at the same time landing, investing in large-scale urban real estate projects, changing the face of the market. Regional real estate. Not to mention the Waterpoint urban area project of Nam Long Group with a scale of 355ha located in Ben Luc, Long An. This is the largest project in Ben Luc to date, with the development of many different subdivisions and product lines. From villas and townhouses costing several billion to riverside villas costing several tens of billions of dong each. This urban area also has a line of affordable apartments EHome Southgate 4.5ha with prices from 1 billion VND/apartment (about 20 million VND/m2).

Or some projects such as Imperia Grand Plaza Duc Hoa of MIKGroup with a scale of more than 11ha have also “stirred” the real estate market in Long An in particular, in the Southwest region in general.

The new destination of a series of real estate giants Vingroup, Novaland, Nam Long Group, Dat Xanh... - Photo 2.

Traffic infrastructure is invested, abundant land fund is considered a “plus point” for the Southwest region to attract cash flow of large enterprises.

Bac Lieu , which is a little-known land, is also in the sights of real estate giants. Thanks to the rapid urban development, a series of real estate agents have appeared such as Vingroup, FLC, Dat Xanh, …

These include a series of projects such as the Hiep Thanh – Vinh Trach Dong high-density housing project (more than 11 hectares), the housing project combined with Vinh Trach Dong square (more than 12 hectares) and the mixed housing project. Vinh Trach Dong green park (more than 8.5 hectares) is expected to be invested by FLC.

It can be seen that Bac Lieu is the leading province in the Mekong Delta with the most number of typical tourist destinations with continuously increasing service and tourism revenue. It is the development of tourism that has created a driving force for the development of society, especially real estate.

Recently, Bac Lieu is considered as one of the provinces in the southwestern region with rapid urbanization. A series of roads are under construction, expansion and new construction, real estate projects race up. In the center of Bac Lieu city, there are a series of urban areas such as Hoang Phat urban area (ward 1); Trang An urban area (ward 8); residential area ward 5…

There was also a hot real estate situation here when many transport infrastructure projects of the province were opened connecting the city center with Bac Lieu sea.

In recent years, the Bac Lieu real estate market has been active with the participation of large corporations such as Dat Xanh, FLC, Nhip Cau Real Estate…

According to the People’s Committee of Bac Lieu City, from the beginning of 2019 until now, the province has issued investment policy decisions and investment certificates for at least 8 large-scale projects. In which, there are 7 domestic projects with a total investment capital of nearly 2,000 billion VND and 1 foreign project with a total investment capital of 110 million USD.

It is expected that in the near future when the highway connecting Ho Chi Minh City with the Western provinces is completed, the real estate market here will “catch up” with investors.

In addition, Ben Tre, Tien Giang, Soc Trang … although still quite new, are also plots of land in the sights of real estate businesses.

Sharing at a recent talk show, Mr. Vo Huynh Tuan Kiet, Director of Housing CBRE Vietnam, said that in the past time, real estate in the Southwest region has been noticed due to the development of transport infrastructure and the landing of his series of big real estate. From a land that is little known about real estate, now this place has appeared diverse segments from land plots, townhouses, and villas to shophouses, high-end apartments… Especially, with the abundant land funds, many big men develop developing projects of hundreds to thousands of hectares in this area, creating a bold impression on the real estate market.

“The supply of real estate in the Southwest is on an uptrend in 2022 and beyond. Currently, this area is still receiving many large projects landing. Small land plots still account for a large proportion in the areas; Prices also fluctuated rapidly” Mr. Kiet emphasized.

This expert pointed out, a series of large transport infrastructure projects are promoting the area’s urban development. For example, the Trung Luong – My Thuan highway will open to traffic in April 2022; Chau Doc – Can Tho – Soc Trang expressway with a total investment of nearly 45 trillion VND, is expected to start construction in 2023; along with a series of port and industrial projects… are being promoted here, creating a highlight for the Southwest region.

Mr. Kiet also pointed out the real estate development trends in this area market in the coming time. Firstly, the Southwest region will strongly develop large-scale urban areas, in which townhouses and villas are built with full facilities. Second, the group of ecological garden products is close to nature and rivers. Third, the high-end apartment model provides management services and utilities for young customers. This product group will be suitable for rental exploitation. Fourthly, resort real estate in the river region will also become a resort trend in the Southwest region that many people are interested in.

“The change and development of infrastructure is contributing to changing the market face in the Southwest region. The period of 2023-2030 will be a period of strong development of transport infrastructure, industry, tourism and urbanization of the West. Many modern real estate models will be imported and developed. This enriches the category and decentralization of real estate products” emphasized CBRE Vietnam.

Source: CafeF

Source: Vietnam Insider

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